• Tarot Readings

    Dive into a world of channeled messages where each card brings guidance and connects to your life. Watch how the mysteries of the spirit world unfold while bringing spooky accurate insights. 

  • Space Cleansings

    Any space that feels more gloomy than usual? I clear away any heavy vibes and leave the area sparkling in warm, inviting, light energy that lifts the spirit!

  • Chakra Cleansings

    Feeling in a funk or not like your usual self? Try an inner energy system, or chakra, cleansing to help take away any unwanted energy, Leaving you feel uplifted and refreshed. 

  • Animal Messages

    Are you wondering what your animal at home has to say? Let’s tune into your pets frequency and ask them what they need. 

  • Animal Cleansings

    Channeling spirits around your animal, I clear negative energy with love and light. We fill the space back with light using love and healing ferquencies. Similar to a chakra cleansing for us, it leaves your pet feeling relaxed and refreshed.